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MVOH 2023 Opera Workshops

  • SFU Harbour Centre Room 1400, 555 West Hastings Street Vancouver, BC Canada (map)

As part of the Multi Voices One Heart (MVOH) 2023 Trans-Pacific Cantonese Opera Festival, PCHC-Museum of Migration Society in partnership with the Italian Cultural Centre Museum and the David Lam Centre at Simon Fraser University will present a pair of workshops after the three live shows at Michael J. Fox Theatre.

Date: Sunday, August 20, 2023

Time:    2 – 3pm       Workshop I (English) 

              3:15 – 5pm    Workshop II (Cantonese) + reception 

Venue:  Room 1400, SFU Harbour Centre (555W. Hastings, Vancouver, BC)

WORKSHOP I (in English: 2-3pm) FREE - Register here.

The Cultural Legacy of Cantonese & Italian Opera in Vancouver: A Conversation Open to All — a conversation based on a joint project and exhibition in 2017 bearing the same name. Dr Angela Clarke, and Ms. Winnie L. Cheung will host a conversation to further examine the cultural legacy of Cantonese and Italian Opera and its impact on multicultural Canada. Some artefacts from both opera traditions will be on display.

An online resource entitled “Common Voices: the Cultural Legacy of Cantonese & Italian Opera in Vancouver” created from the 2017 project is available for free downloading here. 

WORKSHOP II (in Cantonese: 3:15pm-5pm) $20 per head incl. reception. Register here. 


資深紅伶吳仟峰先生與粵劇曲藝大師劉永全先生的對話,由「萬千聲音眾志-心」創辦人姜張麗青女士主持,與知音者細訴如何透過聲線、唱腔、做手等藝術元素演繹歌曲及劇中人物, 並探討粵劇作為活的文化藝術載體,如何在保留傳統的同時,去蕪存菁及靈活地創新。

講者:          資深紅伶吳仟峰先生


主持人:   「萬千聲音眾志-心」創辦人姜張麗青女士

Multi Voices One Heart 

PCHC-Museum of Migration Society 

Italian Cultural Centre Museum 

SFU David Lam Centre

August 18

Multi Voices One Heart 2023 (MVOH)

September 2